Numeric Display

Numeric Display Panel
- 1. Shift/Const State
- 2. Hyperbolic State (used with trigonometric functions)
- 3. Statistical Mode
SD - Standard Deviation
LN - Linear Regression
LG - Logarithmic
EX - Exponential
PW - Power
IN - Inverse
- 4. Input Order Mode
S - Standard
T- Text Book
- 5. Trigonometric Mode (DEG, RAD, GRA, CYC)
- 6. Precision Mode (NORM, FIX, SCI)
- 7. Base-n Mode (also used to indicate BEGIN mode with
financial calculations)
- 8. Engineering Mode
- 9. Independent Memory Indicator
- 10. Exponential Part of Number
- 11. Indicates SI Prefix in Engineering Mode (i.e. Kilo, Mega, Giga etc.)
- 12. Statistical Memory Count
- 13. Financial Cash-flow Memory Count
- 14. Significand Part of Number
- 15. Additional State and Function Information
- 16. On-Screen Formula Input Display